The Twins season came to an end this evening in a tiebreaker game with the Chicago White Sox. The Twins swept the White Sox last week in Minnesota in a 3 game series that put the Twins in first place. However they blew it with their next series with the Kansas City Royals when they lost 2 out of 3 games. Thus the tiebreaker. Tonight it was a real pitchers duel and the Twins lost it 1-0 on a Thome home run. I was really hoping they would win tonight because I had a real obnoxious blog about the Tampa Bay Rays to get Ted's dander up. But it was not to be. Anyway, the Twins had a great run this year with a young team and we all look forward to next season. Oh by the way, Twins catcher, Joe Mauer won the AL batting title once again this year. Congrats to Joe and the '08 Twins on a great season!
I was so ready for the Twins to come our way for a little inter-family rivalry! Actually, I thought they were till I heard about this tie-breaker game. Tough loss for you - maybe next year. Of course, I don't know if the Rays will make it again since they tradtionally hold the cellar spot but dug out this year
I watched some of the game but fell asleep as I always do when I watch baseball on TV. I don't think we have to worry about the Reds ever making it to the playoffs again.
There's a part of me that's rooting for an all Chicago world series. However, the White Sox, as a team, really rub me the wrong way. They have several, selfish, hot dogs on the team. They don't get along with each other or the coach very well. And they win games with home runs only. Their closer (can't remember his name at the moment) is a monster. Last night he was throwing 100 mph strikes! So good luck to the Rays! I think you have a better team overall and will get to the ALCS.
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