Monday, September 29, 2008

House Idiot

And then 93 DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST THE BILL !!! And of those 93, several were committee chairs! What was THEIR excuse? Did she upset THEM? I'll tell you what it was - I'll be willing to bet they were up for reelection. What she fails to mention is that if the Dems would have allowed the McCain bill out of the banking committee back in 2005, we wouldn't have been in this mess today. And why ARE the Dems on the banking committee the recipients of the vast majority of Fanny and Freddy contributions? Could it be so they would vote the party line and prevent the sort of regulation that McCain would have provided in his bill? The Dems know if you tell a lie for a long enough period of time it will eventually be considered the truth. This situation is not Bush's fault. Instead, it's the party, who since the Clinton administration, wanted to put everybody in their own home whether they could afford it or not, who caused this. Everyone knows Pelosi and company are going to drag this thing out as long as possible in hopes of getting BO elected. Talk about doing what's good for the country . . .


vwatt said...

The picture on the blog page was fuzzy...I assume this was the idiot everyone is referring to:

Bob Cesca: Sarah Six-pack Needs To Put Country First by Stepping Down

Sarah Palin is, by all indications, a bona-fide hooplehead -- so dangerously out of her depth and so delusional that she is in total denial about the real-world ramifications of her ineptitude. Instead, she's excusing her embarrassing television interviews and farcical candidacy as an historical breakthrough for "normal Joe Six-pack Americans." Of course this is great news for the 27 percent who think Bushie is still doing a heckuva job, and for anyone who wants to be president but doesn't want to go through all of that hard work and fancy book-learnin' to get there. But if there's one thing the history of this decade has taught us, it's that we should vigorously ignore the 27-percent-Bushies at all hazards -- or at least we shouldn't be encouraging them, as the McCain-Palin ticket appears to be doing.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Based on the above description, had the "fuzzy" picture been Sarah Palin, she would have fit it in wonderfully with the 7 PERCENT who think the current Pelosi led Congress is doing a great job.