Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My advice. . .

to this couple is to seek counseling immediately. Without proper communication techniques, I believe this couple's relationship is on the rocks. Seriously though, for you young couples out there, if you and your partner start sounding like these two, then STOP. Get help. I know.


Mike West said...

Some kind of "body language expert" on Fox News mentioned that their body language during this part of the debate was like that of a married couple arguing.
I think it would have been funny if one of them walked off and slammed the door as they left.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

I liked Edward's comment about representing the "Grown-up" wing of the Democratic party.

Mike West said...

yeah...the Breck girl sure brings a lot of wisdom to the table doesn't he?

Lyndsey said...

this clip right here is what ignited my previous post about how ridiculous this whole election is becoming. yuck!