Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to spoil a a holiday parade

This was the first float of Minneapolis' Holidazzle Parade. The celebrity was someone from some year of American Idol that I had never heard of before. We had the best seats possible, except for one thing. See if you can tell what an elementary school age girl did as every float went by that was totally obnoxious. Some people's kids . . .


J Dub said...

Every float? She should have gotten a smack upside the head.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Every float. Had our seats not been so great, we would have moved. Apparently, her parents thought it was funny even after several of us shouted, "Stop that!"

Mike West said...

That had to be painful...

What would our Dad had done?

FYI - I actually snuck in to the Stuart Christmas parade and marched for a while. I think Andrew has it on video. I'll post it if he has it.