Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reality vs BS

I get the feeling I'm whistling in the wind with the "Brodad" blog due to the lack of comments, but I'm going to just keep posting because at least it makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING about this road to socialism we're headed down.


J Dub said...

Imagine that...the government doing nothing would actually help. It should provide us a military, build/maintain the Interstate system, and very little, if anything else.

Keep up the blogging. You should take out a newspaper ad to market it. I bet ads in papers are pretty cheap these days.

Mike West said...

Obama's policies are so absurd they leave us speechless. At least Justin comments on your blog. He seldom comments on mine.

twest said...

Had trouble posting on this one. Keep on bloggin - I've been reading but not much time to comment. Actually I'm getting pretty tired of all the crap being pushed on the U.S. and tried to tune out. Obama plays it cool - it's the characters behind the scenes pushing the agenda, and the idiots who wanted "Change" don't have a clue what's coming down the pike...