Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I can't keep up with this guy!

Obama leaves the door open for prosecution

When I turned the television on this morning I made the mistake of watching a question and answer session with Obama. When asked if he thought the writers and those who signed off on the "interrogation memos" should be prosecuted, Obama said "It would be left up to the Attorney General." Guess who ultimately signed off on the "interrogation memos"? President Bush. I swear it feels like I'm living in some Third World country. This guy is unbelievable. Just last week he said he wanted to "move forward". However, THIS week MoveOn.org has started an online petition to prosecute those responsible for the "enhanced interrogation techniques". and the leftist Senators Feinstein and Feingold have started making a lot of noise about pursuing these "prosecutions". So Obama, in order to kiss the far left's a__, has "left the door open". It is my heartfelt hope that Obama is stupid enough (I believe he is) to go after President Bush because in the process the REST of the memos will be released. You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones that prove the success of the enhanced interrogation techniques and how using them protected this country from further attacks for seven years. Obama himself is probably an okay guy, but it's becoming more and more obvious that he is under the influence of far left wackos. And that's really scary. Meanwhile, Al Qaeda (remember them?) are licking their chops.


vwatt said...

What a joke the Republican party has become- Although I must admit Jane Harman(D-Ca.) is certainly keeping the Dems in the running(Israel spy gate, trading favors,etc.)-she out to be kicked out of Congress.

Oh please forgive me, Boss Hawg:

Been A While

Another Republican congressman has to issue apology to Rush. This time it's Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).

Sometimes I wonder if Rush just gets one of these guys to stick his head above the parapet every month or so so he can ritually take them down and make sure everyone still knows who's boss.

--Josh Marshall

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

You know, I can't argue with you about the Republican Party. They're reaching the pitiful stage. As soon as they started acting like Democrats, they were in serious trouble. However, I will say conservatives are making a grassroots comeback thanks to the Obama Administration and their reckless and shortsighted policies. Also, I'm thinking Di Fi is in trouble with her note to the Banking Committee and subsequent awarding of a huge contract to her husband. We'll see/

vwatt said...

At some point all these congressman and senators need to realize they are in office to do something for the country and the people they represent. Both sides seem to view their office as a stepping stone to a lobbying job, or the chance to get their face on TV and become a celebrity, and all at the expense of the American people. The right won't sign off on health care for all because it would hurt their insurance company sugar daddies, and the left won't sign off unless all hospital and doctor reimbursement fees are cut down to Medicare rates. But both sides will still let the CEO of a "non-profit" hospital(as they all are for tax purposes) collect his million a year for basically just billing the government and whacking their employees' pay. Amazing.

vwatt said...

Seriously, fellow blogsters, can a President who thinks like this be really as bad as the Limbaugh/Hannity crowd makes him out to be? :

Article Tools Sponsored By
Published: April 20, 2009

We’ve all heard liberal speeches on the economy. The central concern is inequality. Power and wealth tend to concentrate at the top of society, so government must stand as a countervailing power. It must defend the people against the powerful to ensure fairness and opportunity for all.

It is interesting, therefore, that when President Obama summarized his economic policies in a speech at Georgetown last week, he departed from this story line and worldview. Obama’s chief concern was not inequality. It was irresponsibility. Obama didn’t sound like an economic liberal at Georgetown. He sounded like a cultural conservative.

America once had a responsible economic culture, Obama argued. People used to save their pennies to buy their dream houses. Banks used to lend by “traditional standards.” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac used to stick to their “traditional mandate.” Companies like A.I.G. used to limit themselves to the “traditional insurance business.”

But these traditions broke down, Obama continued. They were swamped by irresponsibility. Businesspeople chased “short-term profits” over long-term investments. Smart people spent more time manipulating numbers and symbols than actually making things. Americans consumed too much and saved too little. America became corrupted by “excessive debt,” “reckless speculation” and “fleeting profits.”

Obama vowed to end this irresponsibility and the cycle of boom and bust. It’s time to get back to basics, he said. He embraced tradition, order and authority. He quoted the New Testament and argued that it is time that the U.S. built its economic house on rock and not sand.

If Republicans aren’t nervous, they should be. Obama is arguing for his activist agenda not on the basis of class-consciousness, which is alien to America, but as a defense of middle-class morality, which is central to it. Obama is positioning the Democrats as the party of order, responsibility and small-town values. If he pulls this mantle away from the Republicans, it would be the greatest train robbery in American politics.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

"But these traditions broke down, Obama continued. They were swamped by irresponsibility. Businesspeople chased “short-term profits” over long-term investments. Smart people spent more time manipulating numbers and symbols than actually making things. Americans consumed too much and saved too little. America became corrupted by “excessive debt,” “reckless speculation” and “fleeting profits.”

It SOUNDS good, but then he goes out and TRIPLES the deficit and tries to spend his way out of this mess. Now THAT's irresponsible. It doesn't make sense. That's what Obama does best. He says one thing and does the exact opposite.

Mike West said...

Can you say wolf in sheep's clothing?