Monday, January 26, 2009

And this guy's going to run it all . . .

Timothy Geithner who failed to pay thousands of dollars in taxes until he realized he was being considered for Treasury Secretary will be in charge of the IRS. Of course, he says it was just a "mistake." Maybe we all should be making "mistakes" rather than paying for the socialism of our country.


Mike West said...

That new President of ours sure is a wacky guy. Two days after introducing what he heralded as the most sweeping ethics rules in American history -- ones that would "close the revolving door that lets lobbyists come into government freely" -- President Barack Obama today waived those rules for his nominee for Deputy Secretary of Defense, William Lynn.

Until last fall, Lynn was a registered lobbyist for the defense contractor Raytheon.

twest said...

It's my understanding he paid no interest or penalties on the "mistake" - just the taxes. I've had to pay interest & penalties on an honest mistake. This is whack

Mike West said...

Preferential treatment. The Washington way. Those penalties add up fast for us common guys.