For the next week I'm refraining from watching the news, reading the paper, and listening to talk radio of any kind - not even sports talk. I am sick and tired of the doom and gloom. I'm sick and tired of politicians treating me like an idiot by repeating the same old mantra over and over. I'm sick and tired of the p&m on talk radio. I'm sick and tired of the lying, deceitful political ads. I'm sick and tired of watching pundits who are barely in their 30's wearing expensive suits, short skirts and exposing their cleavage, pontificating about the state of our nation, economy, and weather. I'm sick and tired of "talking points" and watching rude mouthpieces for the candidates talking over each other. So it's no Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Brokaw, Mathews, and definitely no Shepard Smith for at least a week. If I achieve the peace of mind I anticipate I will achieve, then my week will stretch to 2 weeks and so on. This doesn't mean I'll quit blogging. It just means I'm sick and tired of all the destructive noise out there and I'm not adding to it anymore. So there. I feel more relaxed already.
Damn good idea! I think I'll join you. It dawned on me the other day (and maybe the same time as you!) that the media is driving all this hype and hyperbole to the point of - well, there is no point, except for the almighty ratings dollar. After two days of "lipstick on a pig" commentaries from whomever they could drag in front of a camera and failing to look behind the set as Wall St crashes, Ike devastates Texas...When Jon Stewart on the Daily Show starts making more sense than the regular media then I know I've had enough. Come on down and I'll take you fishing.
Haha... I love the picture you chose for this point. I'm totally with you though, I'm sick and tired too!
I'm in but my problem is I'm too darn curious and afraid I'll miss something so I'll probably have to pop my head back in to the mad mad world we live in occasionally. I take breaks from the madness quite regularly by watching Sunrise Earth and listening to the WAY-FM radio network. www.wayfm.com. I don't know how the media types get up everyday and do it. I'm sure it wears on them too. Chicken Little got it partially correct. The sky is falling, at least in the media's agenda. But I'm here to say "It's not falling!" It's just partly cloudy right now; although it's beautiful in KY today. It was a pleasure taking Gracie for a walk this morning.
Ted, we'll be there in February. That way we can REALLY appreciate the Florida blessing of "sittin' on the dock of the bay".
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