Friday, November 23, 2007

Angels on Earth

Angels come in all shapes and sizes, or so they say. Well, I know what a couple of them look like. I swear, the past couple of days I heard the flutter of wings as my brother Mike and his lovely wife, Mary, moved about preparing their beautiful house for Thanksgiving. Of course, with Mike that fluttering sound could have something to do with how much he ate . . . But I digress. Words cannot thank these two enough for what their company and hospitality meant to me this Thanksgiving. But I'll try. Thank you, Mike and Mary. I love you both.


Mike West said...

Thanks. It was great having you here! Actually, Mary is the one who does all the fluttering. I can't even get off the ground anymore.

Lyndsey said...

Awwww.. I absolutely love this picture of them! They are definitely wonderful people, but I know they enjoyed having you as much as you enjoyed being there.

J Dub said...

I echo that sentiment. They're great!